Special Recordings


Interview / Strategy Session with Lisa from China - Most interesting personality type.
Lisa is an Amiable / Expressive personality types in the "Geo Test" and a Driver / Expressive personality type in the "Pain Quadrant Test."  You'll enjoy this case study a great deal as Lisa's personality is as complex as it is interesting.  

We also cover the BOS - Business Operating System, DNA for PEOPLE, DNA for BUSINESS and DNA for LIFE.  There are challenges that we all face, a lack of time, sometimes not understanding people or even ourselves and this case study is one that will help you to grow.

Personality Masteries Level 1 Certification - Case Study - Amanda Gill
Looking for a way to improve your career . . . or maybe see success that you've only dreamed of?  Amanda put her Personality Masteries certification on her resume, obtained an amazing job and then impressed high level leaders in her new company based on all that she knew about personalities.  What will that do for you career?  Fun and educational series to listen to.


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