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Improve Open & Click Throughs - Case Study Bob Paroski
"Are you seeking ways to improve your open and click through rates for all your email marketing?  After three months of very hard work and watching the numbers like crazy Bob and his company made some amazing break throughs that can help us all.  Some very interesting insights and learning from this session.  Make sure that you listen carefully and deeply to all that is being shared."

If you would like to have an expert develop these rather than you taking hundreds of hours or more learning and working connect with Bob at bobparoski@gmail.com or call toll free 888.230.2300 for additional information.

Subject Line : Have You Heard About Tom?



Have you heard about Tom?

He has been in straight commission sales for the last 10 years.  A shooting star at the start.  His income increased 12 to 22.5% annually for the first 5 years.  Then the wall.  For the next 4 years his income remained the same - no increases.

He couldn't figure it out.  He was doing everything the same.  Yet the sales weren't coming.  Some said the economy was to blame but other sales professionals in his company whom he had been way ahead of during the first 5 years had passed him and started to make far more than him.

A year ago he met with a coach.  During their meeting they figured out a major problem holding Tom back.  The coach gave him suggestions and ideas to overcome it.

Tom put these in place.  Almost immediately his sales increased.  Since then his income has increased 26%.  Tom knows he will earn much more.

We all know people like Tom.  Shooting stars that hit a plateau and get stuck there.  Perhaps you are one.  If you are, we'd like to help you.

How?   Through your own individualized SPEED Coaching Session.  We'll provide this at no cost to you.   In this session we'll give you suggestions on steps to take to eliminate the main problem holding you back.

Your first step is to let us know what you you feel your main problem is.  Please do that here:


Once you complete the questionnaire, we will invite you to a Speed Coaching session.  Again - there is no charge for this session.

Your coaches during this session will be Mark Boersma and perhaps one or two other worldwide thought leaders.  Mark has been an executive and sales coach for over 20 years. Mark and these leaders have a unique skill in helping people move beyond their challenges and achieve more of their potential.

{ContactFirstName},  you may wonder why we are offering you this session at no charge.  We see too many good people get stuck in their jobs and not able to get ahead.  We want to help them.  We feel that when participants realize the help they get in this session is priceless they may ask for our help in reaching more of their potential and in growing their business to greater levels.

Again . . . let us know about your main problem here:


When I get your answers to the Questionnaire I'll be in touch to schedule your session.

Synergy Solutions
Fax : (630) 393-9901

P. S. I have seen how many others have benefited from their Speed Coaching sessions.  I know you will too.   Click Here for the questionnaire.

P.P.S.  Want a feel for what you can expect from your session?   Click Here .  On the left side of the page there are links to previous Speed Coaching sessions.  Listen to those that interest you.

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