Wins and Biggest Challenges (Peter Schmitz)

How can your story attract others?

Find your voice and story and help others do the same.

What are your defining moments that make you who you are?  What moments in your life inspire you?  Finding and sharing those will inspire others to attract people.  “One Inspires Many”.  Learn to share who you are - you never know what lives you will change.  This powerful segment inspires you to do just that.

Personality Masteries (Kevin King)

How can a different approach increase your sales?

Transform your selling process by considering the audience and building better relationships. In sales, business or any time you’re communicating, consider the audience.  Find out the core of that person through their personality and find interest in them personally before you even talk business.  Listen to this piece and learn how you can transform your selling process and build better relationships.

5/30 Grid (Mark Elkins)

How do you avoid losing your most profitable clients?

Grow your profitable client base by learning how to offer value beyond the standard.

The 5/30 Grid mentioned in this segment is really a diagram planned for operating business and organizations.  It offers simple, but detailed direction at the same time.  Learn to create strong relationships with your current clients and offer great value beyond the standard.  Join us in this recording for deeper insights on knowing your systems, your people and presenting to them around their interests and so it makes sense to them.  Grow your profitable client base!

DNA for Life / Natural Laws (Kevin King)

How can the cluster principle grow my business?

What are natural laws and how can even one take me to the next level?

If we were to write down our top 10 most profitable clients, would we know how to attract more people like them?  Natural laws can help us beyond even what we normally see.  Each of your clients knows other people and by understanding the natural laws and personalities, we can expand our business and each other’s network.  

Jump into a new dimension.  Develop profitable partners and apply the natural laws.











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