Success Stories

BNI Group Opened - Scott Allred - Utah Chapter
Coffee Connections is not just about starting new groups.  The system is so strong it can bring huge added value to established groups as well.  

What does that mean for you?  
If you were to take the success map created by Scott you could do the same thing for a local BNI group or really any group that is already in place.  Groups that meet on a consistent basis are always looking for great content and the content available through Mastermind Seminars along with Coffee Connections is the best in the world.
Bring value to groups already in place and you'll save time of having to develop new groups of people.  Leverage any group of people already in place, bring value to them, help them and they will help you.

BONUS . . . Listen how Donna and Mark's energy connect directly over the phone.  Donna and Mark have never met in-person and have only talked a few times over the phone.  Imagine . . . if you could learn how to connect with people like Donna and Mark did . . . what would that do to your business / life? 

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