Please Clone ME!

Deep down, are you afraid to clone yourself?

I've read through the "Please Clone Me" white paper several times as a matter of fact 5 times. I didn't want to respond because as you know my thoughts can be both my strength and my weakness. However, here it goes.......

In reading through on the fifth time it took my a lot longer to finish, because I cried and read and thought, cried and read and so on. Then it hit me, where is my FAITH?

I've been afraid to clone myself because if I do I want be needed (again these are my thoughts). It was my lack of faith and trust in God that I could not clone myself. You see in business the President is the "head" and if the head is off then the whole body is off! I thought if I cloned myself and share my secrets than someone will steal it and the millions that God intended for me to have they will make them. Thus not being a good steward and now making myself my own worst enemy.

Well, I'm a good steward and I'm not my enemy, I can have an extra 300 plus hours a month to spend with my family and doing the things I enjoy. I learned that when my trust is in me the one who started the business and not the one who impregnated me with the business, gave me the wisdom for the business, gives me thoughts of new inventions for the business, then I lack FAITH!!!! After I finished crying I dried my eyes and a new cleansing tear fell from my eye, it was a tear of faith not fear, a tear of joy, not sadness, a tear of hope not doom. I can be cloned because I'm covered by the blood of Jesus and I don't have the spirit of FEAR but the spirit of LOVE and A SOUND MIND!!!!!!!

What action will I take - I will walk by faith and not by sight! I will now call this paper "My Faith in Action" , and I will look forward to having E-VA's on my staff.

What do I need to learn next- talk it out more, God has got me!!

Thank you for your time.

Carol L. Taylor President
A Clean Slate, LLC
1900 Vine Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
Voice: (816) 221-0806
Fax: (816)221-0987


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